Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to get a scholarship

There are so many scholarships that available for you. You have to spend your time and effort to get it, but how? Maybe you can follow this instruction to get ones;nerd
• You have to start looking a scholarship at least a year before you entering the college. You have to make a decision which country and which school that you want.
• You have to recognize, what is the offering of the programs, is it affordable for you? The expenses, the tuition fee, are the program handles all the expenses or not?
• Try to achieve higher TOEFL and GMAT if you want to get MBA program.
• Complete the application and fill it with the general question such as name, address, citizenship, etc.
• Provide necessary information such as total family income, number of children etc.doa

Good luck and have a nice scholarship.sengihnampakgigi
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