Saturday, November 21, 2009
Hello World
Hello World, it's been a long time that I don't write any on my blog, Nice to be back and hope can share anything with u again.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Toyota Celica

I am going to buy a new car now, but I am still don't know, which cars that I want to buy. Actually I love this one, Toyota Celica 2001. I wonder how fast it is! I think it's beautiful and fast car and off course I love the color "Red". I know that Marvel my boy will love it when I buy this car, but do I have enough deposit to buy..well I have to go to the bank tomorrow to check it, I hope its enough. I hope I don't have to fasting if I buy this car..

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Exam Times
My Gooood!!! 
I don't realize that I'm going to have an exam next week, my god, where's the hell I'm doing all this time. Well, I have to study till late at night other wise I don't get an "A". I have to get this "A". Its very easy, but difficult to reach it...???? View blog reactions

I don't realize that I'm going to have an exam next week, my god, where's the hell I'm doing all this time. Well, I have to study till late at night other wise I don't get an "A". I have to get this "A". Its very easy, but difficult to reach it...???? View blog reactions
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Business Plan
Writing a new Business Plan is not easy like I think at the first time. We need to know how the process, the production of the business plan that we want to write due to the technology is not familiar with my background, so I have to call some to expert to help me to write the explanation and the process, the cost, the plan and etc. It's make me feel dizzy quite while, but lucky me that I know the new technology that maybe only a few people know this technology.
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Saturday, June 13, 2009
Biogas - Business Plan
I just read some desertation today at campus and I found a good idea for my business plan. Its about Biogas from liquid waste from palm oil. It's very potential because the waste it's over 30 M ton liquid waste than can be transformed into 90 m3 biogas. Its amazing right, you have a new energy and the you have many resources. I think i'm going with this business plan, what i have to do is to find out how the technology. I wan to googling now, I hope that I can find the one that can help me to write this business plan.
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Saturday, June 6, 2009
Business Plan
I am planning to wirte a new business plan tonight, but I don't know why I don't have any idea. At the moment I have someting to write, then It lost, I still don't know why? where's the ideas gone? Maybe, tonight I have to listening some good music, the easy one to make me feel comfortable and relax then I ca write a good business plaan. I hope I'm not sleepy when I am listening the music or maybe I need a cup of coffee, I don't thing so, cause I'm already 5 cup of cofee tonight. I'm trying to relax now...c u
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Saturday, May 30, 2009
Ninja R250

It's time for me to buy a new ride. I think I should buy Ninja R250, it's a good ride, big power and off course I can pass all the traffic jam easily. I have to buy this motor and I want the red ones. I have ride this motor ones and the accelaration is very good, maybe make me scare due to I am never used a racing bike before, but it's fun. You have to ride this motor sometime, trust me, you will enjoy the ride and you will feel fly in the air. View blog reactions
Saturday, May 23, 2009
My god!!!!
My head is gonna blow up...
, I have to many assigment and I don't know which one that I have to do first, because all of it have the same dateline, I think I'm gonna sick.
..Hey..guys..heellllp meee...
, Any body there that want to help me, what you have to do is writing some paper for me...what you want to help me...You're very kind guys....Thanks a lot..
, but you know I can pay you for this....
Heyy..don't run away...You got to help me....Heeyyy
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My head is gonna blow up...

Heyy..don't run away...You got to help me....Heeyyy

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Get Back to Campus
Hiii Everyone! Miss u all guys. It's been long time not to see all of you. It's time to sit in class again and going home at late at night..hmmm it's very very very tired, but I think its fun and worthied..is it? or only me that thinking like that...
. Anyway we have to study hard again to get an "A", it very easy right...
...if we get difficulties, all off you know, what we should do..
, that's right..we have to pray..and study a lot till.
When its over you will go to heaven..
..and get more green $
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When its over you will go to heaven..

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Ethic Assigment
Profil Perusahaan
PT. Astra International Tbk. bermula dari bisnis trading produk pertanian pada tahun 1957 di sebuah rumah sederhana dan sekarang Astra telah tumbuh dan bisnisnya beragam dengan anak perusahaan lebih dari 130 buah serta 120.000 tenaga kerja (Astra International 2008).
Grup Astra terbagi menjadi 6 kategori besar: otomotif, jasa keuangan, alat berat, agribisnis, teknologi informasi, dan infrakstruktur. Selama perkembangannya, Astra telah menjalin aliansi dengan pemain besar internasional di berbagai lini industri. Perusahaan ini telah terdaftar di JSE sejak tahun 1990 dan capital perusahaan pada bulan Desember 2006 sebesar Rp 63.9 triliun (Astra International 2008).
Astra bermitra dengan para pemain besar seperti Toyota, Honda, Isuzu, Daihatsu, Fuji Xerox, Komatsu dan GE Money. Dalam waktu singkat Astra Internasional bangkit sebagai importir dan perakit terbesar di Indonesia (Simanjuntak 2008).
Pada bulan Maret 2002, Cycle and Carriage Consortium mengakuisisi saham Astra sebesar 38.4% yang dipegang oleh Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA).
Visi PT. Astra International Tbk. adalah menjadi salah satu perusahaan di Asia Pasifik yang dikelola dengan baik, berlandaskan pada pertumbuhan yang sustainable, membangun kompetensi melalui pengembangan SDM, struktur finansial yang kuat, kepuasan konsumen, efisiensi, dan bertanggung jawab secara sosial dan menjadi perusahaan yang ramah lingkungan.
Filosofi, knowledge management, dan strategi
Kesuksesan atas perkembangan perusahaan ini terkait erat dengan tata nilai mereka dan filosofi perusahaan yaitu Catur Dharma yang berbunyi sebagai berikut: To be an asset to the nation, to provide the best service to our customers, to respect individuals and promote teamwork, to continually strive for excellence (Astra International 2008) dengan prinsip operasional yaitu sinergi, kepercayaan, agility, dan tanggung jawab (FCGI 2008). Filosofi Catur Dharma merupakan Basic Assumption yang melandasi semua dasar etika dan budaya di dalam Astra.
Astra memiliki Astra Management Development Institute (AMDI) sebagai tempat untuk proses belajar atau knowledge management yang merupakan bukti komitmen Astra untuk menyediakan pelatihan terbaik untuk karyawannya. AMDI menawarkan kursus pelatihan yang luas untuk setiap level manajemen mulai dari trainee, supervisor, sampai manajemen senior. Setiap tahun AMDI mengatur Astra Quality Convention yang diselenggarakan untuk mengkultivasi pengembangan dan membangun budaya inovasi. Melalui forum ini, karyawan dari semua tingkat dapat menyerahkan dan menyajikan peningkatkan proyek untuk ditinjau. Tujuan dari program ini untuk terus memacu pengembangan dan inovasi dengan konstan, untuk mendorong sharing of best practices dan untuk memotivasi karyawan agar secara konstan terpacu untuk yang terbaik (strive for excellence) di setiap proses, produk dan pelayanannya (Astra International 2008). Dalam hal ini, AMDI sebagai sarana untuk Improving Organizational Knowledge.
Sejak dulu Astra memiliki strategi 3W yaitu: winning team, winning concept, dan winning system yang saling bersinergi untuk mendukung filosofi Catur Dharma. Winning concept bertutur mengenai konsep, metodologi, cara, dan referensi terbaru yang layak dijalankan oleh manajemen Astra guna mendukung kinerja bisnisnya. Winning system bermain pada wilayah moral, kebiasaan dan perilaku karyawan dalam bekerja dan berhubungan dengan para stakeholder-nya. Sedangkan winning team tidak lain berbicara mengenai kekuatan kelompok dalam menuntaskan semua rencana yang telah disepakati.
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PT. Astra International Tbk. bermula dari bisnis trading produk pertanian pada tahun 1957 di sebuah rumah sederhana dan sekarang Astra telah tumbuh dan bisnisnya beragam dengan anak perusahaan lebih dari 130 buah serta 120.000 tenaga kerja (Astra International 2008).
Grup Astra terbagi menjadi 6 kategori besar: otomotif, jasa keuangan, alat berat, agribisnis, teknologi informasi, dan infrakstruktur. Selama perkembangannya, Astra telah menjalin aliansi dengan pemain besar internasional di berbagai lini industri. Perusahaan ini telah terdaftar di JSE sejak tahun 1990 dan capital perusahaan pada bulan Desember 2006 sebesar Rp 63.9 triliun (Astra International 2008).
Astra bermitra dengan para pemain besar seperti Toyota, Honda, Isuzu, Daihatsu, Fuji Xerox, Komatsu dan GE Money. Dalam waktu singkat Astra Internasional bangkit sebagai importir dan perakit terbesar di Indonesia (Simanjuntak 2008).
Pada bulan Maret 2002, Cycle and Carriage Consortium mengakuisisi saham Astra sebesar 38.4% yang dipegang oleh Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA).
Visi PT. Astra International Tbk. adalah menjadi salah satu perusahaan di Asia Pasifik yang dikelola dengan baik, berlandaskan pada pertumbuhan yang sustainable, membangun kompetensi melalui pengembangan SDM, struktur finansial yang kuat, kepuasan konsumen, efisiensi, dan bertanggung jawab secara sosial dan menjadi perusahaan yang ramah lingkungan.
Filosofi, knowledge management, dan strategi
Kesuksesan atas perkembangan perusahaan ini terkait erat dengan tata nilai mereka dan filosofi perusahaan yaitu Catur Dharma yang berbunyi sebagai berikut: To be an asset to the nation, to provide the best service to our customers, to respect individuals and promote teamwork, to continually strive for excellence (Astra International 2008) dengan prinsip operasional yaitu sinergi, kepercayaan, agility, dan tanggung jawab (FCGI 2008). Filosofi Catur Dharma merupakan Basic Assumption yang melandasi semua dasar etika dan budaya di dalam Astra.
Astra memiliki Astra Management Development Institute (AMDI) sebagai tempat untuk proses belajar atau knowledge management yang merupakan bukti komitmen Astra untuk menyediakan pelatihan terbaik untuk karyawannya. AMDI menawarkan kursus pelatihan yang luas untuk setiap level manajemen mulai dari trainee, supervisor, sampai manajemen senior. Setiap tahun AMDI mengatur Astra Quality Convention yang diselenggarakan untuk mengkultivasi pengembangan dan membangun budaya inovasi. Melalui forum ini, karyawan dari semua tingkat dapat menyerahkan dan menyajikan peningkatkan proyek untuk ditinjau. Tujuan dari program ini untuk terus memacu pengembangan dan inovasi dengan konstan, untuk mendorong sharing of best practices dan untuk memotivasi karyawan agar secara konstan terpacu untuk yang terbaik (strive for excellence) di setiap proses, produk dan pelayanannya (Astra International 2008). Dalam hal ini, AMDI sebagai sarana untuk Improving Organizational Knowledge.
Sejak dulu Astra memiliki strategi 3W yaitu: winning team, winning concept, dan winning system yang saling bersinergi untuk mendukung filosofi Catur Dharma. Winning concept bertutur mengenai konsep, metodologi, cara, dan referensi terbaru yang layak dijalankan oleh manajemen Astra guna mendukung kinerja bisnisnya. Winning system bermain pada wilayah moral, kebiasaan dan perilaku karyawan dalam bekerja dan berhubungan dengan para stakeholder-nya. Sedangkan winning team tidak lain berbicara mengenai kekuatan kelompok dalam menuntaskan semua rencana yang telah disepakati.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Exam Times
It's been 4 month of my study and now its examination time again..fuuuh, its very-very exhausted and busy time. I don't even have time to play with Marvel and his Thomas nor his bicycle. I hope I got an "A" for my exams. After, enjoy my leisure time with my little hero "Marvel". Yesterday, I gave him a plane, but he don't want it, unless he play it with me...Oh my God, then I play with him for "20" minutes only, then he felt a sleep. It's been 3 am when we play it. Before it, he's waiting and opening the door for me. I think he's missing me a lot. miss u to "Little Hero"...
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Friday, March 27, 2009
Happy Birtday
Happy Birthday to me..Happy birthday to mee...Hi everybody today Marvel Birthday. Hi Uncle don't forget the toys that you promise me. I'll be waiting here. Auntie I know that you were there reading this message, don't forget to bring grand ma and dad come to my home ok. Love u all, specially your gift..ha..ha..ha
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Sunday, March 22, 2009
I will celebrate my mirthday in few days. Is there anybody want to give me a gift? Like cars, or something like that, it will make me happy..he..he.h.e. Where're my uncles? usually they always come and seen me on this blog and poke me. Maybe they all busy to find a gift for me. Can u guest what kind of gift that i can get from them..let's wait and see. Hope something that I really really wanted.
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Saturday, March 14, 2009
How to Enjoy Your Cake
Do you now the best way to enjoy your cake, specially birthday cake...not everyone know how to enjoy delicious cake like Marvel do, and he love the way he eat the cake. Take a look how he eat the cake pieces by pieces..hmmmm you want some.

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

New pic of marvel at seaworld. he's cute and funny. He loves fish very much. This is the first time he's going to the seaworld. He always screaming...off course happy screaming !!#$#@!..he..he..he cause he never seen so many fish before. View blog reactions
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Way Beaute de Maman can Help You to Show Your Love
So your wife is on her pregnancy period now? One thing you should understand is that when a woman is pregnant, she would have some significant changes on her body as will contain a lot more hormones which rarely exists when she is not pregnant. It is including the acnes. Some women would suffer for uncontrollable acne’s growth on their face and this would also give impact against their self-esteem as well.
But now Beaute de Maman has offered you the nicest problem solver to be opted. You can simply visit its official website, beautedmaman.com, to observe the various collections of acne treatments special for pregnant women. This is also a good choice to give to your wife. After you have ordered it online, you can get another facility of free shipping but you must have ensured that you are making the order up to $25. Using the natural ingredients, these treatment series are also existed on a package of gift set to make you able celebrating the pregnancy of your wife.
Stay updated by signing up to the newsletter. You can make yourself well informed about the latest products this website launches and you would not find it so hard to supply your wife with the best treatment during her pregnancy period.Order now and show your wife the love you have to her eventually.
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But now Beaute de Maman has offered you the nicest problem solver to be opted. You can simply visit its official website, beautedmaman.com, to observe the various collections of acne treatments special for pregnant women. This is also a good choice to give to your wife. After you have ordered it online, you can get another facility of free shipping but you must have ensured that you are making the order up to $25. Using the natural ingredients, these treatment series are also existed on a package of gift set to make you able celebrating the pregnancy of your wife.
Stay updated by signing up to the newsletter. You can make yourself well informed about the latest products this website launches and you would not find it so hard to supply your wife with the best treatment during her pregnancy period.Order now and show your wife the love you have to her eventually.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My god, Jason Mraz ticket is already sold out at the beginning the ticket counter is open. Take a look the info below;

But not for meee, I got the ticket..I got the ticket, my friend said..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha. I mean my other friend got the ticket, me and my best buddy just watching Jason Mraz from you tube....hmmmmmm. But there's Jason on March 7, we still hope got the ticket, anyway if we don't get the ticket we're going to watch Brian McKnight performance, if we're lucky for the ticket too..ha..ha..ha..ha View blog reactions
But not for meee, I got the ticket..I got the ticket, my friend said..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha. I mean my other friend got the ticket, me and my best buddy just watching Jason Mraz from you tube....hmmmmmm. But there's Jason on March 7, we still hope got the ticket, anyway if we don't get the ticket we're going to watch Brian McKnight performance, if we're lucky for the ticket too..ha..ha..ha..ha View blog reactions
new pic,
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Java Jazz 2009

Hey guys, are you planning to go to Java Jazz Festival 2009 on March 6,7,8, 2009. I will go there but I just want to see Jason Mraz performance on Friday, March 6, 2009. I hope I can get the ticket. My friend told me that he want to buy me a ticket to watch Jason Mraz concert. Jason is very famous in here, lucky me if I can get the ticket, due to my other friend told me the ticket is sold out..ooh my god. Pray for me ok.

Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Java Jazz 2009 is getting closer. If you're the one who love jazz like I do, you will not waste this chance to see the best jazz master from all around the world. Just say it, Jason Marz, Matt Bianco, Laura FYGI, Brian McKnight, Swing Out Sister, Dianne Reeves and many more, not mention The Indonesian Jazz Musician like Dwiki Dharmawan, Surabaya All Star, etc. Most of the time I came to Java Jazz Festival, I always spend my time in Guitar Clinic. You can learn the best guitar technic from the guitar master. You have to try to go to Music clinic too. Let's go there and enjoy the music. View blog reactions
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Canon Printer Pixma IP1000
At last I have to buy a new printer. I already try to fix my epson printer, too bad it can not be fixed, the printer head seem to be broken, it's a new printer, but I never used it since I bought that printer. Now, I have to buy the new one. At the first time I want to buy Epson, but I see that Canon printer is better than Epson. I bought Canon Pixma IP1000. Take a look my new printer. I think My Canon Printer is better than the Epson. At least it can help me to print out my paper, right.
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