Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New "MacBook" Apple Laptop

Good news for you MacBook lover. Recently on October 14, 2008 Apple has introduced the new 13 inch MacBook. It has been completely redesigned and reengineered.Its more thinner and lighter but its strong and durable. You have to try to pick it up then you will notice the difference. The new MacBook is using Multi-Touch Trackpad. Apple claim that MacBook is a Greener MacBook because it made from recyclable aluminum and glass. Its greener than ever. Curious, take a look The New Aple 13 Inch MacBook.

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Anonymous said...

Keren nih laptop, mau nyoba aah, dimana ya kira2 Apple lagi adain pameran? gue juga fansnya MacBook, patut di coba, rasanya kalau ada yang baru seperti ini, jadi pengen beli lagi yang baru

Anonymous said...

cool!!! a smaller version!