Hoooray, it’s holiday, it’s my big opportunity to spend my time by swimming, reading, sitting on my relaxation chair, or maybe I call pizza and enjoy the movie that I buy last week. That’s a great idea to spend time and enjoy holiday, but too bad it’s only on my imagination, actually I already planning this from a long time, but today on my holiday my brother came to my house with his children, one is 5 years old boy old and the others is 4 years old girl and he wanted me to be baby sitter them. At that time I think everything will going to be alright.
At the first time it is very fun playing with them even I can swim too, then something terrible happen, when I am still swimming alone they go to the kitchen, they want to make a cereal with milk, then they watching TV at my living room. When I am checking them, I got surprised all food spilled on my kitchen floor, on my living room carpet and on my sofa, what a mess I got here, how should I clean this stuff? Lucky me I have new
Dirt Devil cordless vacuums cleaner. With new AccuCharge Stick Vac from Dirt Devil, I can clean all the mess by myself, easy and faster. Not only that, my Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner has energy saver call AccuCharge Technology, do you know what is it mean? It means I can save money by using this vacuum, because Dirt Devil AccuCharge Technology is the first cordless vacuums to be
Energy Star approved, it can reduce energy consumptions, it use 70% less energy. Dirt Devil AccuCharge has already saved me. Thank you
Dirt Devil .
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